Our Supporters Make It All Possible
Councilwoman Linda Julian
Councilwoman Jenifer Bailey
Dr. Steve Gallon, School Board Member, District 1
Ms. Luisa Santos, School Board Member, District 9
Ms. Mary Blanco, School Board Member, District 7
Dr. Jose Dotres, Superintendent, M-DCPS
Mr. Rafael Villalobos, South Region Superintendent, M-DCPS
Derek Negron, Administrative Director, M-DCPS
Robin Atkins, Administrative Director, M-DCPS
Martin Reid, Administrative Director, M-DCPS
Danielle Cohen Higgins, Commissioner, District 8
Daniel Lewis
Valerie Dillon
ELMA Philanthropies
The Kirk Foundation
The Frederick A. DeLuca Foundation
Alan Bernstein
Barbara Havenick
Brian Bilzin
Carole and Ira Hall
Concord Music
Dalia Mundayoor
David Lawrence
Ezra Katz
Feder Gordon Family Fund
Frank Bernstein
Isabel SantoTomas
JDL Foundation
Jeffrey and Christina Miller
Jill Hertzberg
Joan Fleischman
John S. & James L. Knight Foundation
Jono De Leon
Leslie Saiontz Miller
Margarita Tonkinson
Marley Lewis
Maureen Redmond
Newman Family
Pamela Weiss
Porter Anderson
Rachel Geary
Rose Ellen Greene
Sarah Arison
Seacoast Bank
Sheldon and Florence Anderson
Toni Randolph
Trish and Dan Bell
Vania LaGuere
Walker Moseley
Yulman Foundation